
eBay File Exchange Templates

To begin listing using eBay File Exchange, choose a template that suits your needs:

Item Specifics Category Template: Use this template for a specific category in which you want to list items. This template contains Item Specific fields for the category that you specify.

Catalog Listing Template: Use this template if you plan to list in a catalog-enabled category (books, movies, music, video games, and so forth). You will be able to specify a 10-digit or 13-digit ISBN or complete UPC number as part of your listing, which automatically generates a stock photo and standard description for your listing.

Tickets Listing Template: Use this template if you plan to list in the Event Tickets category. You will be able to specify event information as part of your listing, which automatically generates a venue map as the stock photo and standard ticket information for your listing.

Basic Template (no Item Specifics): Use this template to list in any category. Because this template does not contain any information about Item Specifics, you should use it only for categories that do not support Item Specifics.